Additional income can be earned not only on the Internet. You can earn your first money in your free time from studies and other activities in several "real", not virtual ways.

Step 1
You can earn your first money, even with a strong limited free time, by selling goods according to the principle of network marketing. In most cases, such work does not require any additional financial investments. You just need to register as a representative in the relevant company, receive regular catalogs of products and offer them to potential buyers. With each purchase, you will receive a certain percentage of the value of the product as a reward. The choice of the sales area depends entirely on you - girls will love working with selling cosmetics, and men will like selling electrical goods.
Step 2
The youth employment center will help to make money for the first time. If you do not have any professional skills, but would like to undergo additional training before getting a job, then you can contact the branch of the above-mentioned state institution located in your city with the corresponding application for registration. After accepting the application, you will be offered vocational training or possible employment options. Even without special courses, you can be accepted by a posting ad, a courier or a waiter.
Step 3
If you are well versed in geography, mathematics, or know several foreign languages, then it will not be difficult to use your knowledge to generate stable monetary income. Fluency in English or even having a linguistic higher education will allow you to earn good money by tutoring schoolchildren and students. Knowledge of other school subjects and disciplines studied in higher educational institutions will be useful when writing reports, essays, term papers and theses to order. Post announcements about the provision of relevant services near universities and schools - and you will be provided with a steady income.