The work book in Russia is the main document of every officially working person. And although, according to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, work books can be canceled from 2012, while, when applying for a job, the personnel department or accounting is required to open a work record for a new employee.

Step 1
Give the new employee a list of necessary documents to open a work book. This is a passport (or a document replacing it), a military ID (if any), a certificate of higher, secondary or secondary education. If a person has an incomplete higher education, or is in the process of studying, he must provide a student card or a certificate from the dean's office about his educational status.
Step 2
Fill in all the basic information about the employee on the title page of the work book. Be sure to write off passport data from the document so as not to make a mistake in the correct spelling of the surname, name, patronymic or date of birth. Do not make any abbreviations, such as "Andrey Alexander. Ivanov" or "6 Sept. 1977). Date of birth is written only in Arabic numerals in the format 06 09 1977, as well as the date of filling out the work book.
Step 3
Fill in the "Education" column, even if the person is holding only a school certificate or student ID. In the event that the new employee does not yet have a documented profession, write in the appropriate column the specialty for which the employee is accepted into your organization. If a person has a certificate of completion of any advanced training courses, retraining, and so on, one should indicate the specialty that is indicated in the course completion document.
Step 4
Give the employee a completed work book so that he can check the correctness of all the data on the title page. If he finds an error, it is impossible to correct it in this work book: the document should be canceled and a new one should be entered. If all the data is correct, the employee must put his official signature (the same as in the passport) at the bottom of the title page. If the signature is illegible, you can write a transcript (surname) in parentheses next to it.
Step 5
Sign the title page of the work book, if you are a responsible person in the organization, or give the book to be signed by such a person. Then put the company seal at the bottom of the title page next to the signature. On the first sheet after the title page, make a note that, according to the order from such and such a date, the employee was hired for such and such a position in such and such an organization. An employee and the head of the enterprise must sign next to this entry. From this point on, the labor market is considered open.