Open space offices differ in a special way of functional zoning: many employees work in one large room, moreover, workplaces are usually separated from each other only by mobile partitions. This zoning option saves space and makes it easier to monitor the actions of staff, but for the employees themselves, it can cause discomfort.

Step 1
Prepare for challenges. Working in an open space office can cause severe psychological discomfort. Of course, it also has advantages, even for employees: when all colleagues work side by side, it is easier to solve issues together. However, there are many more disadvantages of working in an open space for staff, and this is primarily the need to work in the same room with many people, including annoying colleagues.
Step 2
Highlight the main irritants that piss you off and interfere with your work, and then try to find the most appropriate solutions to the problem. Most likely, you will have to deal with high noise levels, inability to concentrate at work, unpleasant odors, annoying demeanor, etc.
Step 3
If company policy allows it, put on headphones, turn on the music and try to distract yourself from extraneous sounds by concentrating on work. The fact is that open space offices can be quite noisy. This is not surprising: at best, employees call customers, discuss business issues among themselves, etc., and at worst, they chat about everyday topics, chomp, stomp loudly, laugh, etc.
Step 4
Consider if it annoys you that other people work very close to you. If the management of the company did not take care of erecting mobile partitions between workplaces, then you may have to face the problem of limiting personal space. Try to mentally separate yourself from your colleagues with a solid wall. Imagine that you are in your own mini-office, and the rest of the people, although they are close to you, are on the other side of the wall.
Step 5
Learn to deal with irritants such as unpleasant odors from colleagues, annoying demeanor of other employees, etc. Adhere to two basic rules: solve all problems peacefully and respect your colleagues, try not to treat them only as irritants.
Step 6
Try to establish simple rules for your office. For example, when one employee needs to discuss an important project on the phone, it is worth asking the others to be quiet in a friendly way. People who smoke can use special means to fight off unpleasant tobacco odor from the mouth, and those who are used to eating several times during the day can use the office kitchen. If you fail to establish rules, try not to react to stimuli, let alone dwell on them.