Employer requests are often “impossible to refuse” offers. Your material well-being is determined by the opinion that the head of the enterprise has formed about you, therefore, naturally, you do not want to spoil a good opinion of yourself. But you can politely refuse the employer, having familiarized yourself with your rights and explaining your refusal by your unwillingness to violate the law.

Step 1
The employer asks you to sign a liability agreement, which is not spelled out in your employment agreement. If you are not yet 18 years old, then you can politely reject this request, since before reaching this age, the law prohibits imposing liability on an employee for material values.
Step 2
In the event that you have already turned 18 years old, you can refer to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 32, 2002 No. 85, which contains a list of positions and work performed or replaced by employees of the enterprise with whom it is legal to conclude a liability agreement. Explain to the employer that even if you sign the contract, although it is not your job, it will still be illegal. Here you can refer to Art. 50 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It states that the terms of an employment contract that worsen the position of employees in relation to those established by labor legislation are illegal.
Step 3
Very often, employees are faced with a request from management to go to work on a weekend or a public holiday, although they work as usual, not in shifts. In Art. 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that such cases are exceptional. A list of such cases when an employer may ask you to attend work after hours is given in the same article of the code.
Step 4
In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also contains a list of those employees whose involvement in work on weekends and holidays is prohibited by law directly. These categories of workers include adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant women workers, people with disabilities and mothers with small children. If you fall into this category, then you have the right to politely but firmly refuse.
Step 5
Study labor laws to be clear about your rights and responsibilities. Believe me, knowing the laws will make you more confident and stronger. In this case, an unscrupulous employer will simply hesitate to contact you with requests that contradict the current legislation.