How To Calculate Salary In 1c Enterprise

How To Calculate Salary In 1c Enterprise
How To Calculate Salary In 1c Enterprise

Table of contents:


Currently, every company maintains accounting in 1C. The salary of the employees of the organization is calculated by the payroll accountant. When calculating it, it is necessary to take into account the deductions due to employees under the law and the personal income tax.

How to calculate salary in 1c enterprise
How to calculate salary in 1c enterprise


  • -computer;
  • -program 1C: Enterprise;
  • - wages and personnel;
  • -accounting data;
  • -data about the employees of the enterprise


Step 1

In the main menu item of the 1C: Enterprise. Salary and personnel”the accountant presses the“salary”button. From the list that appears, he needs to select the line "payroll". The document "payroll to employees" opens.

Step 2

To create a new document, you must press the button in the "add" window that opens or the Insert key on the keyboard of a personal computer, then click on the items "action" and "add".

Step 3

In the appropriate fields, the accountant indicates the full name of the company manually, if the program settings do not provide for automatic filling of the company name. If, by default, the name of the company is registered in the 1C settings, then in this field it is entered automatically.

Step 4

If the organization is large enough, the name of the structural unit of the company is selected in the document from the names entered earlier. The last name, first name and patronymic of the employee responsible for calculating the payroll is usually prescribed by default. If this is not provided, the accountant enters his data manually.

Step 5

In accordance with the settings, the current month of payroll is indicated. If the document is created for a different period, the accountant corrects the date manually, sets the required one.

Step 6

The "fill in" menu of this document allows the accountant to automatically fill in the data for the organization as a whole, for a separate structural unit, and an arbitrary list of employees. If you choose to fill in according to planned lists, wages will be calculated for employees who are listed in this enterprise or a specific structural unit. If an accountant needs to calculate wages for a specific list of employees from different structural divisions, he chooses filling in according to the lists of employees and manually specifies those employees for whom wages are calculated in accordance with the requirements, depending on the time they worked.

Step 7

The document introduces amounts subject to a 13% rate. Personal income tax in the program is calculated automatically by pressing the "Personal Income Tax" button, then "Calculate".
