In organizations, for the period of absence of an employee, another specialist is temporarily hired for the same position. For this, a fixed-term contract is drawn up for a time, for example, maternity leave, parental leave. An order is drawn up, an entry is made in the work book. Upon the expiration of the contract, a dismissal order is issued, and the former employee begins to perform his labor function.

It is necessary
- - company documents;
- - employee documents;
- - staffing table;
- - contract form;
- - order form (form T-1).
Step 1
In some companies, another specialist is hired on a fixed-term contract for the position of a temporarily absent employee due to illness or in connection with a long business trip. But the average earnings in these cases are paid to a business traveler, sick employee. Accordingly, there is a double payment for two specialists for one staff unit. This is one drawback. And the second is that the staff policy is violated, since there is only one position, and two employees are working on it. In this case, the employer does not comply with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
In the absence of employees due to a business trip, temporary disability, it is most correct to arrange a combination of professions or temporarily accept a part-time job. In this case, the law will not be violated, and only a part of the salary will be paid according to the position.
Step 3
For registration under a fixed-term contract, hire employees for those positions that are free. This applies to units of workers who are absent due to decree, childcare. Ask the specialist applying for the vacancy to write an application. As a rule, it indicates the position, department, where the employee is registered. Also, the terms are prescribed in which the employee will replace the temporarily absent employee.
Step 4
Make an employment contract. Write down the working conditions of the employee in the document. Set the salary, bonus, additional payments in the same amount as indicated in the staffing table for a specific position. The end of the contract can be written as follows. For example, before the actual exit to work of an employee who is currently on parental leave.
Step 5
Issue an order. Specify the conditions for the performance of the employee's labor function as indicated in the fixed-term contract. Certify the administrative document with the signature of the head. Familiarize with the order of the employee against receipt.
Step 6
Based on the order, make an entry in the specialist's work book. Insert the disclaimer that the employee is hired during the absence of the main employee. Upon the expiration of the contract, that is, after the employee has expressed the desire (in writing) to take up her duties, an order is drawn up to terminate the employment relationship. When the administrative document is not issued in the event of the expiration of the contract, the specialist is considered accepted for an indefinite period.