In accordance with article 59 of the Labor Code, the employer has the right to hire employees for temporary work. At the same time, he must conclude a fixed-term employment contract. This employment is possible with the temporary absence of the main employee, seasonal work and other situations.

Step 1
Ask the employer to write a statement addressed to the head of the organization. In this document, he must indicate the desired position, period of work. It is not necessary to indicate that the work is temporary, it is enough to indicate the period.
Step 2
Register the statement in the journal of incoming correspondence. Give it a registration number, and then hand the document over to the head of the organization.
Step 3
If the manager gives a positive answer about hiring, the procedure for applying for a temporary worker will continue. First of all, it is necessary to draw up an employment contract, which must be urgent, that is, concluded for a certain period. The contract can have a fixed date (for example, February 01, 2012), or it can be limited to a time frame (for example, the contract period is six calendar months). The document is drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the head and the employer.
Step 4
Draw up an order for hiring an employee. The Government of the Russian Federation has developed and approved a unified form of the administrative document, it has the number T-1.
Step 5
Here you must indicate the employee's personnel number, position, employment conditions (that is, that it is temporary). In the administrative document, also indicate the size of the salary, bonuses, allowances. The basis for drawing up the document is a fixed-term employment contract. Sign the order with the employee.
Step 6
Despite the fact that the employee is employed for temporary work, you must issue a personal card and a personal file for him. Here indicate all his data, as well as the nature of the work. Take copies of all documents, file them into a folder.
Step 7
Make changes to the staffing table. This must be done with the help of an order. At the request of the employee, information about the work can be entered into the work book.