Relationships with superiors often determine the advancement of an employee up the career ladder, his reputation in the company, etc. Thanks to the ability to behave correctly with a leader, you can achieve considerable success.

Step 1
Communicate with your boss in a polite and discreet manner, even if he allows himself to be familiar with the staff. Be correct and calm at all times, including in situations where the management is treating you unfairly. Don't raise your voice or make scandals: polite communication and diplomacy will be more appropriate.
Step 2
Do not humiliate yourself and do not let your feet dry. Moreover, do not grovel or flatter. Some managers prefer to work with strong, confident employees and do not tolerate when the employee tries to get a raise or increase in salary by flattery and humiliation.
Step 3
Learn not to worry in front of your boss. Some employees, when talking to their boss, begin to stutter, say ridiculous things, and shake with fear. The leader should not have the impression that you see a boa constrictor in him, and a rabbit in yourself.
Step 4
Listen carefully to everything your boss tells you, even if the absurdity of his reasoning seems obvious to you. If you are not interested in a conversation, at least try to portray an interest. Do not interrupt your boss and do not try to run away, referring to being busy. Be patient, learn to listen to your interlocutor.
Step 5
Never criticize your boss in front of other people, even if you are sure he is wrong. It is better to discuss this or that controversial issue, being left alone, than to publicly present the boss as a fool. But even when you talk about something one-on-one, try to point out to the leader his shortcomings tactfully, without reproaches and accusations, and even more so without insults.
Step 6
Think twice before you say anything to your boss. Pay close attention to your words and try not to ask stupid questions. One careless phrase can undermine the manager's trust and respect for you, so avoid ambiguity, inappropriate hints, stupid jokes, etc.