Much depends on the personality of the boss. In addition to the general well-being or insolvency of a company or department that a person runs, he can cause a lot of trouble for you personally or be of great benefit. It all depends on what tactics of behavior you choose.

Step 1
Carefully analyze the personality and demeanor of the boss and find out what he likes and what he cannot stand. After that, you will feel confident in any situation. After all, you know how best to promote new ideas or what moment to wait out like a storm.
Step 2
Try not to take management criticism personally. Have self-respect, and in especially difficult cases, resort to self-irony - it always helps. Listen to criticisms with dignity and ponder them afterwards. Try to derive practical benefits from them, which should help in professional growth. If you think the boss has gone too far, make a reasoned case and show it to the boss in writing.
Step 3
Do not engage in gossip and leadership discussions behind their back. In any team there is a person capable, sooner or later, of betraying you.
Step 4
Keep a friendly expression on your face while talking to your boss. Leave a smirk, frowning eyebrows and a sidelong look for laughter therapy in front of a home mirror.
Step 5
Don't cross the boundaries of business communication. Avoid elevated tone in your office walls. Try to contact your boss exclusively for you and by name and patronymic. Switch to a different format of relations only at the personal request of the management.
Step 6
Don't try to catch your boss's eye too often for no good reason. Hiding, of course, is not worth it, however, you do not need to show excessive ardor.
Step 7
If you find yourself in a situation where the authorities do not allow you to breathe calmly, try to look at what is happening from the other side. You know that nothing just happens. One way or another, to one degree or another, you yourself are the reason for such an appeal to you. Once you change the course of behavior that everyone is used to, you will notice how the situation begins to change.