Joining a new team requires considerable strength and energy from a person. Adaptation to new working conditions and employees depends on the character of the person and takes from three weeks to three months. But not everything can depend on the beginner.

Step 1
In the early days of your new job, try not to give in to your emotions about the behavior of others. You are in a new organization with your own code of unwritten rules, and you will be tested for compliance. Study the rules of communication adopted in this team. After a while, mutual addiction will occur and the difficulties will disappear.
Step 2
Take a closer look at the team, demonstrate a desire to make contact with colleagues. Tune in positively. Be polite to everyone: keep the conversation started with you, be interested in the affairs of your colleagues, offer your help.
Step 3
Avoid topics related to your personal life and the personal life of colleagues. Do not support conversations that discuss and condemn absent employees, bosses.
Step 4
Do not start building relationships with colleagues by imposing your point of view.
Step 5
Before expressing your point of view on any production issue, find out the positions of different parties so as not to be in the center of the conflict and not become the object of criticism.
Step 6
If in this team after three months it is not possible to establish relations, to reveal their abilities and potential, then compare the values of the organization and your own. It should be understood that you are not in a position to change the values of the team; perhaps, in order not to waste time in vain, it is worth changing the place of work.
Step 7
Everyone must decide for himself where the line is, beyond which one should not endure. It is difficult to be unacceptable in a team. A letter of resignation should be written only when all methods of building relationships have been tried.