A job is not only a position held and a salary. It is also a relationship with colleagues, which, unfortunately, not everyone is doing well. If you want to achieve the location of the team for yourself, then you must adhere to a few basic rules.

Step 1
You need to reckon with the opinions of others, since you are inside a holistic, cohesive system, which is called a team. Even if your views on some things are different from those of your colleagues, you still need to listen carefully to their views and treat them with respect.
Step 2
Communicate peacefully with colleagues, but don't go overboard. Maintain a neutral, but tactful and welcoming relationship with your employees. Say only the words that you think are necessary. Excessive emotionality in communication is not needed. Do not allow familiarity. Be honest and honest in your words and actions. Most importantly, be yourself and don't try to make yourself look better than you really are.
Step 3
Focus on your professional responsibilities, carry out them with full dedication and responsibility, without trying to shift the work onto other people's shoulders. At the same time, you should not shoulder the burden of other people's problems on yourself. It has long been proven that people who constantly make concessions to their colleagues and do part of the work for them rarely achieve career growth. Be moderately responsive, do not step on the throat of your interests.
Step 4
Romance at work is not an unambiguous phenomenon. Only you can decide whether feelings and love relationships are possible in the service. Remember only that the bosses in most cases have a negative attitude towards such things, and relations with colleagues in this situation may suffer.
Step 5
Don't gossip about your coworkers. Remember that trusting relationships with employees is more important to you, and not discussing their actions with other members of the work team. Do not meddle in other people's conflicts and disputes.
Step 6
If an ill-wisher has turned up at work who constantly gossips about you, tries to unbalance and survive from your position, just avoid communicating with him and as far as possible distance yourself from him. Do not take the words and deeds of such a person to heart. Communicate with him in a friendly manner, while trying to stick to neutral topics.
Step 7
You don't need to abstract yourself completely from your colleagues. It is important to help and support them in those matters in which you can provide all possible help. It is not easy to dispose the team to yourself, to win the respect and trust of colleagues, but having achieved this, it will become much easier to work in their circle. Only with calm communication with colleagues, enlisting, if necessary, their support, can you increase labor productivity and achieve a good deserved earnings.