In accordance with Russian labor law, every employer must provide annual paid leave to their employees. The duration of the prescribed rest is at least 28 calendar days. This number can be increased for employees working in the Far North, as well as with harmful and hazardous working conditions.

Step 1
First of all, you should draw up a vacation schedule two weeks before the start of the new calendar year. The form of the document was approved by the decree of the Goskomstat of Russia and has the number T-7. In accordance with the staffing table, enter information about all employees of the organization.
Step 2
To put down the days and duration of the vacation, conduct a written survey among the staff, so you will avoid conflict situations, discontent, and you will also know in advance who will be able to go to work ahead of schedule in case of production need. In the form, indicate the number of calendar days of vacation, the planned date.
Step 3
Two weeks before the start of the vacation, ask the employee to write a statement to the head of the organization asking for the next annual paid vacation. If an employee wants to split it into pieces, he must also write this in the application.
Step 4
Register the document in the incoming correspondence journal. Then draw up an order on the provision of the prescribed vacation. This administrative document was developed and approved by the government of the Russian Federation, has the form number T-6. Here indicate the employee's personnel number, his full name, position, type of vacation, duration and specific date. Give the order for signature to the employee himself.
Step 5
Enter the information in the vacation schedule, that is, put down there the actual date of provision of the required rest and the number of days of vacation. Based on the order, make a note on the employee's personal card and in the staffing table. Give the administrative document to the accounting department for the subsequent calculation of vacation payments.
Step 6
If the employee is a financially responsible person, for example, a cashier, appoint a new person during the vacation. To do this, issue a replacement order.