From January 1, 2007, a woman (and in some cases a man) who has given birth or adopted a second child after this date can receive maternity (family) capital. This right is established by Federal Law No. 256-FZ "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children."

Special application, passport, birth or adoption certificates for all children
Step 1
The program for the issuance of maternity capital began to operate on January 1, 2007. Consequently, this money can be received by a woman who has given birth or adopted a second child after this period. If a third or more child is born or adopted in the family, maternity capital can also be obtained. But only if it has not been received earlier. After all, this money is credited only once.
Men also have the right to receive maternity capital. To do this, he must be the only adoptive parent of the second child or subsequent children. At the same time, the mother should not have received capital earlier. The mother's capital can also be received by the father of the second or next child. This happens when the mother dies in childbirth or is deprived of parental rights.
The child himself can receive money when he becomes an adult. This happens when neither the mother nor the father can receive a family (maternal) one.
Step 2
The right to maternity capital arises from the moment a child is born. But in order for it to be credited, you need to obtain a state certificate for maternity capital. This document is issued at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
To obtain a certificate, you need to apply to your territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at any time after the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child. The mother of the child or his father must write the application. If the mother is not present or she is not eligible for capital.
Step 3
A number of mandatory documents must be attached to the application itself, a sample of which is in the Pension Fund. Here is a list of them:
The passport;
Birth or adoption certificates for all existing children.
Another document, if the application is made by a man or children who are eligible for a certificate.
The money will be transferred two months after the application is submitted. However, it will be possible to dispose of them only when the child reaches three years of age. Only then can the money be used to improve the living conditions of the family, educate children or increase the mother's future pension.