In accordance with contractual obligations, the results of the performance of certain types of work, surveys or inspections are confirmed by official documents. One of the final documents in the fulfillment of contractual relations is a technical act (or an act of technical condition). The act is drawn up by several parties and, along with other documents, is legal in the settlement of disputes.

It is necessary
- - contract;
- - form of a technical act;
- - or a regular sheet.
Step 1
There is no standard form of a technical act, but there is a certain order and key points that must be reflected when drawing up a technical act. You can draw up a technical act on a prepared form or on a sheet in any form. The technical act for the work (services) performed is approved by the customer's representative, who has the authority to do so in accordance with the contractual obligations. The heading of the technical act indicates the customer organization, position, surname and initials of the approver, the date of approval. The approval signature is stamped.
Step 2
Under the heading "Technical act" the type of work (or services), the name of the topic or the contract is prescribed. In the text of the technical act itself, the commission for the acceptance of works is indicated, consisting of the chairman and all members of the commission, indicating the positions and surnames with initials. The date, number and name of the document on the basis of which the commission acts are also put down here. Commission members can be representatives of different contracting parties and third parties.
Step 3
Further, the technical act indicates the period of execution, the name of the work performed and the name of the contractor (organization, entrepreneur, etc.), as well as the contract (or topic) in accordance with which these works were performed. If necessary, the place of work is indicated (zone of the customer or contractor, etc.).
Step 4
The stages of work, the means by which these works were carried out are briefly described below. Then the conclusion of the commission is given with an assessment of the level of work performed, with the identified (if found) comments as a result of acceptance. Further, the commission summarizes, deciding whether to consider the work completed on time and accepted or not. At the discretion of the commission, additional conclusions and recommendations are prescribed in the act. The technical condition report is signed by all members of the commission, including the chairman.
Step 5
If work, examinations or inspections are carried out in accordance with warranty service or it is just routine maintenance, you can draw up a technical act in a simplified form. Such a technical act indicates the type of work (or services rendered), the contract under which they were carried out and lists all stages of the work performed. The act is signed by representatives of the two parties indicating the organizations of the customer and the contractor, positions, names and initials of representatives. Both signatures of the representatives are sealed by the organizations. The date of drawing up is affixed under the signatures of the representatives.