The terms of reference, which is written for almost all projects, if a third-party specialist is hired to complete them, can spoil the nerves of both the customer and the contractor. In order to draw up a technical task, you need to know about some points.

Step 1
The terms of reference are needed so that the customer knows exactly what he wants, and the contractor understands what he needs to do for this. If in the terms of reference you write an approximate list of actions and the phrase "I want everything to work well!", Everything will work well, but as the programmer decides. The ideal technical task - what is it? First, the terms of reference must clearly state the general provisions. This is necessary so that the performer understands what he is doing. In general provisions, the characteristics of the equipment on which the work is to be performed, clarifications of controversial points, a glossary, etc. can be prescribed.
Step 2
The second point is clearly formulated goals that need to be achieved in the process of work. Writing this section will help the customer understand what he really wants, and the contractor will subsequently offer solutions to the described problems.
Step 3
The third point is the requirements that the customer makes for the task. Not a single technical task can do without this item. It should clearly state what exactly and in what time frame the customer wants to receive. Do not think that by omitting the deadlines for completing the assignment, you give "freedom" to the performer. It is very difficult to work in the unknown.
Step 4
The terms of reference should not be too vague - after all, the performer may understand it incorrectly or not in the way required by the customer. At the same time, the terms of reference should not be too detailed - there should be a place for creativity in any project. In addition, if you thoroughly know how your site, magazine or device should look like, what prevents you from making it yourself?