The terms of reference should be an obligatory part of any project. Both developers and customers take part in its compilation. In essence, this is a detailed schedule for the implementation of work on this project, which describes the requirements for technical products - the subject of development, and outlines the main stages of work and the deadlines for completing each stage.

Step 1
Of course, basically, the text of the technical assignment is written by the developer, since it is he who can competently describe the work and formulate the tasks that will need to be solved during the development of this project. The customer can be involved to clarify the goals, he can express his wishes, his subjective view and vision of the problem. This symbiosis will help avoid misunderstandings in the future and reduce the number of controversial issues.
Step 2
The structure of this document for projects in different areas may differ slightly, but draw up a technical assignment taking into account that this document reveals in as much detail the essence and objectives of the project as possible. It should describe and establish the principles of interaction of technical or software modules with each other, as well as the principles of interface interaction.
Step 3
Describe in detail the goals and objectives of this development together with the customer. Describe in detail its general functionality and the requirements that it must satisfy. Be sure to describe the tasks of each functional module of the project, set the necessary technological restrictions.
Step 4
Devote the section to the technical requirements that this development must meet. Indicate those characteristics and their values that can be quantified. Use estimates that can be objectively measured.
Step 5
As a separate paragraph of the technical task, give a definition to all the terms and concepts used. This will allow to unambiguously define their essence and help to avoid disagreements with the customer.
Step 6
In the "General information about the project" section, indicate the full name of both parties, write the name of the project, its cost, responsible executors on both sides, indicate the planned terms of work on the project and for each of its stages, if it will be divided into them.
Step 7
As a separate item, describe the composition and content of the design work to be performed by the developer. At the request of the customer, this can be done for each stage of development.
Step 8
Describe the methods and procedure for control over the performance of work, determine the method of testing the final product, testing it and the principles of quality assessment.