A resume is a kind of calling card when looking for a job. As a rule, it is this that is the first step to getting to know the employer, who assesses your abilities according to what is written. Therefore, it is very important to draw it up correctly and clearly.

Step 1
Remember that your resume should be short, but at the same time have complete information about you. Many employers skim these documents fluently, which is why you should interest him by focusing on the main points.
Step 2
The resume should not be larger than sheet A-4, disclose in it only the achievements that are important in your opinion. It is better to focus on those that will influence the desired position. That is, if you are getting a job as an accountant, you should not describe in detail the results that you achieved while working as a consultant in a perfume shop, for example.
Step 3
The first thing that must be indicated in the resume is your data, and the last name, first name and patronymic must be written in full. Specify the desired position below, making sure to match the title of the position with the one indicated by the employer. That is, if you are sending your resume for the position of "accountant", you should not summarize the profession in a "business card" and write "economist".
Step 4
As for the coordinates, write them down too. It is better to indicate those by which you can be contacted in the first place. Here it is not necessary to inform the employer about all your contacts, for example, the home address is completely inappropriate.
Step 5
Then fill in the education information. Remember that this block should not be reloaded with data, that is, you should not write the detailed name of the institute, you just need to indicate the abbreviation. Also indicate the period of study and specialty.
Step 6
Please indicate work experience below. As a rule, you need to fill in this information in reverse chronological order, that is, starting with the last and ending with the first. First write the position, then the name of the organization, the date of the start of the work and the date of its completion, at the end you can briefly describe your responsibilities.
Step 7
In the resume, you can indicate such personal information as date of birth, presence of minor children, marital status, nationality and others. In the block "Hobbies" include such hobbies as literature, art.
Step 8
Then go on to describe your personality traits and skills. In this block, indicate such items as knowledge of a computer, foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license.
Step 9
Remember that a resume should contain only reliable information, having come up with qualities that you do not possess, do not hope for success, because HR managers, as a rule, are very good at understanding people, cheating will not lead to anything good.