A conference is a pre-planned event dedicated to a specific topic, practical or scientific issue, in which specialists interested in solving this issue take part. During the conference, participants read reports and hear expert opinions. Often the conference is accompanied by an exhibition of technology, software and equipment that are used in the area of the discussed issues.

Step 1
Conferences are usually held at scheduled intervals. They are preceded by a lot of organizational work, which is carried out by a specially created Committee. He is responsible for preparing the topic, selecting speakers, sending invitations to participants, meeting them and settling them. The committee also decides on financing, renting premises, and providing participants with meals. The committee also prepares the conference program.
Step 2
The conference should start an hour and a half before the start of the meetings and the opening remarks of the organizers. During this time, you need to organize a meeting and registration of conference participants who sent applications for participation and paid for it in the prescribed manner.
Step 3
Begin your registration at the checkpoint, which can be placed in the lobby. The participant must show a passport and receive an identification badge - a plate attached to his clothes, on which his last name, first name and patronymic is printed, the position held and the organization he represents are indicated.
Step 4
Using this badge, the conference participant can, before the conference begins, receive accounting documents necessary for reporting - invoices, invoices, etc. In addition, a point should be organized where he can mark his travel certificate.
Step 5
At separate tables, everyone participating in the conference should receive its materials. Usually this is the program of the event with a list of issues discussed, reports presented and an indication of the place and time of each meeting. In addition, advertising brochures, methodological materials and literature on the issue under discussion are distributed to the participants.
Step 6
After registration and receipt of materials, at the hour appointed according to the program of the conference, the first meeting begins. As a rule, it is opened by a representative of the conference organizer, who gives a welcoming speech to the participants and briefly introduces them to the order of the meetings and the work of the sections.