The bailiffs collect alimony by tracing the debtor, taking interim measures, sending executive documents at his place of work, to credit organizations. In addition, in a number of cases, additional measures are applied aimed at the voluntary payment of alimony by the obliged person.

Step 1
For the recovery of alimony, bailiffs can apply various measures provided for by the legislation on enforcement proceedings. Thus, the primary measure is often the search for the debtor, since unscrupulous parents often hide when they fail to fulfill the obligation to support their children. For this purpose, relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues of the debtor, information about which another parent or legal representative of the child communicates to the bailiffs can be checked.
Step 2
After establishing the debtor's place of residence or the location of the property belonging to him, the bailiffs may apply an interim measure in the form of arrest. As a result of this measure, the debtor is deprived of the opportunity to dispose of his property, subsequently the said property can be sold in order to direct the proceeds to pay alimony.
Step 3
If it is not possible to establish the place of residence of the debtor, then the bailiffs often apply another interim measure, which prohibits the obligated person from leaving the Russian Federation. In this case, the data of the unscrupulous parent is sent to the authorities of the migration service, after which any attempts to leave the country for the debtor will fail.
Step 4
Sometimes the bailiffs find the debtor's place of work or credit organizations in which the person has accounts, deposits. In this case, executive documents can be sent to the employer or to the bank, since these organizations are obliged to execute them in the manner prescribed by law. So, a credit institution can transfer any funds from an account or deposit according to a writ of execution, and the employer will deduct a certain part of the debtor's wages on a monthly basis.
Step 5
In order to most effectively collect alimony, bailiffs often use funds aimed at public disclosure of information about the debtor, which simplifies his search, and in some cases contributes to the voluntary repayment of debt. That is why sometimes information about unscrupulous parents is found in advertisements on vehicles, in print media and other sources. The threat of getting such information to colleagues, friends, relatives or new family of the debtor often prompts the latter to voluntarily fulfill the obligation to pay alimony.