When applying for a job, as a rule, it is required to pass an interview. And it is quite understandable that for many this is a rather difficult and exciting moment. After all, it depends on how successful the interviews will be, whether you will be hired by this company or not. In order to profitably show your merits at the first meeting with the employer, it is worth paying attention to some points.

Competent resume
For education, list all locations of study, including courses. If you have worked in many places and even in several specialties, it is not necessary to indicate everything. Choose those positions that show that you have the knowledge and skills necessary for the job you are applying for now. Do not be shy when noting your personal qualities at the end of your resume. The main thing is to focus on those character traits that you think will be useful for the main job.
Blitz training
Do it yourself before the interview. Better out loud. List all your positive sides and traits, convince yourself that no one is better than you for this job. This blitz training has two main goals. First, it will help collect all the information you need for the conversation. Secondly, to overcome shyness, uncertainty before the meeting. And most importantly, tune in to win.
Speech preparation
In the story about yourself, start from the information that is stated in the resume. But dwell in more detail on the experience and qualities that are required. During the conversation, try to better understand the employer's needs and give him the information that will show you in a favorable light. It is appropriate here, in more detail than in a resume, to show your mastery of knowledge from related areas of the main profession. And even talk about hobbies, if they are somehow useful for future work. When asked about the shortcomings, it is better to laugh it off.
Optimistic attitude
You don't have to go to an interview with a "now or never" mood. This can provoke you to be too nervous, assertive and aggressive, which will alienate the employer. It is better to immediately tune in to the meeting with a desire to do everything that is necessary for victory, but also readily accept its outcome, whatever it may be. Either way, trying is an experience that you can learn from for future interviews.
When interviewing, it is unacceptable:
- Late. Better to come ten minutes early.
- Sloppiness in the documents. A crumpled resume, a folded portfolio.
- Speak badly about colleagues and leadership from past jobs. If at your last job you had conflict situations, in no case do not spread about it.