The desire to achieve success at work, to make a career so that work brings not only moral satisfaction, but also material well-being is completely understandable and natural. However, not everyone can achieve this. Someone quickly moves up the career ladder, while others remain at the very bottom.

Step 1
Try to learn how to organize and value your time right away. Having set a task for oneself, it must be solved without being distracted by conversations with colleagues, gatherings, gossip. "Work comes first!" - this should be your principle.
Step 2
Do not try to "embrace the immensity." Taking on several tasks at the same time is simply not serious. Better do them one at a time, but with the utmost conscientiousness and efficiency. This will certainly not go unnoticed by the management.
Step 3
Be sure to draw up at least an approximate work plan - for a day, a week, a month, indicating the intermediate stages and the timing of their achievement. Check with him, making notes: what you have already done, what has not yet been done. For each failure, try to understand: why it happened, how to avoid it in the future.
Step 4
If you do not understand something or you are in doubt about something, do not hesitate to ask more experienced colleagues for advice. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. It will be much worse if you make a mistake out of false shyness.
Step 5
Do not limit yourself only to the performance of your direct official duties. In this case, even if you are in good standing with the management, you will hardly make a career. Remember: there are many performers, much less organizers. Try to think, take initiative.
Step 6
Develop a detailed business plan for the implementation of a new direction of activity, for example, or for expanding the offered range of products and try to interest the manager in it.
Step 7
Knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly. Therefore, try in every possible way to engage in self-education, undergo training, trainings. This will help you improve your skills, withstand fierce competition. Accordingly, it will help you move up the career ladder.