The key to being successful is breaking down big, daunting goals into simple, straightforward steps, believing in yourself, and not giving up.

Imagination and determination
Step 1
In order to know where and to what success to move in life, you need to set ambitious goals for yourself. Even if you do not reach them to the end, you will still make significant progress. Start with fundamental goals for life. It makes sense to treat them thoughtfully and seriously, spend some time on their definition and formulation. But do not delay too much, otherwise you risk remaining where you are now.
Step 2
After that, start setting goals for smaller ones, for example, for the coming year. It makes sense to divide each of them into stages to make it easier to navigate, and the goal itself does not frighten. Try to ensure that your goals cover such aspects of life as work and business, family and social circle, hobbies and interests, self-improvement and education. In this case, your life will not be one-sided and monotonous.
When setting goals, be specific and be sure to define the criteria by which you will know whether the goal has been achieved or not. If it seems to you that everything is confused, and you cannot determine what exactly you want, then most likely there is something that scares you a lot or you have to temporarily endure a rather significant inconvenience. Admit it to yourself honestly. There is a high probability of a situation when the issue still needs to be resolved, and by postponing it for later, you only aggravate everything. The main thing is to make a decision, and life very often presents unexpected exits.
Step 3
After you have figured out the setting of goals, you need to take action and begin to implement them. Make a detailed plan and build on it. When faced with difficulties or doubts, do not mope, but imagine the ultimate goal. The longer you are inactive and worried internally, the harder it is to take the first step later. Believe in yourself and your strength.