Some organizations use business letters in their work. One of them is a confirmation letter. It is sent in order to confirm the receipt of any materials, information and other documents. It is drawn up in writing and in any form. What is the procedure for compiling this letter?

Step 1
Make out the confirmation letter on the letterhead of the organization, of course, it is not necessary, but it will be better. In the upper right corner, indicate the details of your organization, below write to whom this document is addressed, for example, General Director of Vostok LLC Ivanov Ivanovich.
Step 2
Many organizations register incoming / outgoing messages in journals, so it is advisable to put down the serial number of the correspondence and the date of compilation. Also leave a blank line for the same addressee details.
Step 3
Next, in the center, indicate the title, that is, the subject of the letter, for example, about an increase in prices for services. After that, write the name or position of the person you are applying to, for example, Dear Mr. Ivanov. Remember that no abbreviations are allowed.
Step 4
Then write the purpose of the letter, for example, "We inform you that we have read your price list and are ready to cooperate in the future."
Step 5
The following is the main part of the letter, but it is not required. Here you can specify the conditions, for example, when agreeing to cooperation and other information.
Step 6
Next comes the final part of the confirmation letter, the content of which depends on the degree of your acquaintance with the addressee, these can be phrases: "Sincerely …", "Sincerely yours …" or "With best wishes …".
Step 7
Attachments can be drawn up to the confirmation letter, for example, graphs, any calculations. This is done in order not to clutter up the letter with unnecessary information and so that it is easy to read. In the text, you just need to refer to these sources.
Step 8
At the end of the letter, the head must put the signature and seal of the organization. Send your business letter by mail or hand it in person. Some people use e-mail for this, which significantly saves time.