The rules of business etiquette require not to leave unanswered letters received from colleagues and partners. A special role in official correspondence belongs to the confirmation letter. This document fixes preliminary agreements, the facts of receiving and transmitting any information, the desire to participate in a particular event, etc. There are well-established key phrases for each type of confirmation letter.

Step 1
Prepare a standard A4 form for writing a confirmation letter. In the upper left corner, be sure to place information about your organization: full name, legal address with zip code, contact numbers, main state registration number (OGRN) and other information. In the upper right corner, indicate the addressee's data: name of the recipient organization, position, surname and initials of the person to whom the confirmation letter is sent, full mailing address.
Step 2
Formulate the subject line of your email. This will make it easier for the recipient to identify it and make it easier to organize in your organization's archives. The title should be short and informative, for example: “On receipt of a supply agreement from LLC“NNN”or“On confirmation of attendance at the seminar 02.02.2002”. Type the heading on the left under the details of your organization.
Step 3
Depart 2-3 lines from the heading and type a message to the addressee. Use the standard form of official address to business partners: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" or "Dear Mr. Ivanov!"
Step 4
In the main part of the confirmation letter, briefly describe the fact that your organization received any documents, goods, services from the addressee. The wording should be laconic and not exceed 1-2 sentences: "AAA LLC confirms receipt of 2 (two) copies of the supply agreement dated 12.02.2011 No. 34".
Step 5
If the letter confirms the previously reached agreements, you need to briefly describe their essence. For example, a conversation took place between the CEOs of the enterprises, in which they expressed their intention to mutually beneficial cooperation, achieved during the negotiations on January 29, 2010. Please send the documents necessary for the conclusion of the contract."
Step 6
End the confirmation letter with a phrase expressing gratitude and hope for long-term cooperation. If necessary, you can also request additional information or documents at the end of the letter: "We confirm our participation in the seminar on environmental problems on May 23, 2008. Please send the participant's questionnaire to our address."
Step 7
Print the letter in duplicate and sign with the head of the organization. You will send one copy to the addressee by mail, and place the second in your own archive for safekeeping.