A properly organized workplace, that is, the functional space where the employee performs his direct work, is very important for effective work. it should be not only convenient and practical, but also attractive to the employee.

Step 1
Almost any workplace in the office requires a computer. Place the monitor and keyboard straight in front of you, not obliquely. In this case, it is best to sit with your back to the window. If this is not possible and you are sitting facing or sideways to the window, use curtains or blinds. Place the monitor screen at least 50-60 centimeters from your eyes. If this distance is too far for your vision, install a larger font on your computer.
Step 2
Take care of a comfortable and practical table. The large size of the table does not always determine its convenience. Make sure that the table has enough compartments, drawers, shelves of different sizes, which you can easily reach without getting up from your chair.
Step 3
Choose a comfortable chair, best on casters and with adjustable backrest height and tilt. The seat must be firm enough.
Step 4
Try to arrange your work area so that you don't end up with your back to the door. In this case, it is best to be at a sufficient distance from the door.
Step 5
Keep your papers in order. Since this is your personal workplace, you can decide for yourself how to classify documents and which system to choose. Make a rule for yourself: only the actual should be on the table, everything else should be removed. It is much faster to remove unnecessary papers at the moment in the appropriate folder or drawer than at the right time trying to find them among the heap of other documents.
Step 6
An air conditioner and an air ionizer will make the microclimate in your office more pleasant and the work of your employees more efficient. It's hard to concentrate on work if there is nothing to breathe in the room.
Step 7
Place a wastepaper basket under the table and no doubt send everything unnecessary, broken, irrelevant, expired and unnecessary there.
Step 8
There are also certain feng shui rules, following which, you cannot, for example, place your workplace at the end of the corridor or next to the toilet. Live plants should be located in the eastern part of the room, they give energy to employees and cheer up visitors.
Step 9
Pay attention to the lighting. If you feel that natural light is not enough, there should be a lamp on the table. However, do not omit the harsh contrast of light (for example, if the rest of the room is darkened), this will impair vision.
Step 10
Don't clutter up your workplace with personal items. However, a poster or sticker with an uplifting motto or wise saying is good if it is supposedly affecting your mood and desire to work.