As a general rule, payment for work on holidays is doubled. In the case of using a shift work schedule, the indicated rule also remains in effect, therefore the employer must pay twice the remuneration to employees for such days.

Engaging in work on holidays is an exceptional case; it must be carried out in strict accordance with the procedure specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, for some employees, the holiday may fall on a regular shift. This situation is observed in the presence of a shift work schedule, on the basis of which labor activity is carried out. The legislation obliges the employer to reward employees for work on holidays in double the amount, but when attracting replacement workers, organizations often ignore this rule, arguing for such a decision by the presence of a shift schedule.
Does the employer have to pay double the amount for the work of shift workers on holidays?
In fact, the employer's obligation to pay twice the amount for work on holidays also applies to those employees who work on a shift schedule. Bringing such workers to work on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) does not entail additional responsibilities for the organization, since other days can also be days off for shift workers. This principle does not apply to holidays, since the holidays established by labor legislation are common for all employees and cannot be postponed at the request of the employer to another day.
That is why, with a shift schedule, payment for holidays should be carried out according to the general rules - in double the amount. At the same time, the specified double amount of payment is the minimum, therefore, a collective agreement or an internal act of the organization may provide for a large payment for work on holidays. However, the employer will not be able to pay for the involvement of an employee in a smaller amount, since this reduces the level of guarantees for employees, which is prohibited at the legislative level.
What can replace double pay for work on a holiday?
If an employee working on a shift schedule expresses a desire to receive an additional day off for fulfilling his duties on a holiday, then the employer can grant the corresponding request. In this case, double payment for a holiday is not charged (it is paid in the usual amount), however, the employee receives an additional day of rest, which he can use at his own discretion. At the same time, in accordance with the explanations of Rostrud, the presence of such a day of rest in the calendar month is not a reason for reducing the employee's salary.