After a successful interview with the employer and discussing the working conditions at the new place with him, the turn comes to the official registration. For any employment in Ukraine, an employee needs to provide a certain package of documents.

- - Ukrainian passport,
- - SNILS,
- - TIN,
- - employment history,
- - diploma of education,
- - medical book.
Step 1
The most important document when performing any legally significant action in Ukraine is a civil passport. However, if he is not with you, then any other document that has a photograph and is able to verify the identity of the new employee can replace it. It can be a passport or a driver's license.
Step 2
Separately, I would like to note the requirement for a residence permit. In accordance with the Labor Code of Ukraine, an employer has every right to refuse employment to a person who does not have a residence permit, with the exception of foreigners. Therefore, anyone who wants to build a successful career should take care of resolving this issue in advance.
Step 3
With official employment, you must definitely have a work book with you. You should also know that if employment for a job in an organization is part-time, in this case the employer does not have the right to require the presence of this document. If employment is carried out for the first time, then a specialist in the personnel department must draw up a work book himself.
Step 4
In accordance with the current legislation, a citizen who is not a private entrepreneur should not receive his individual code from a taxpayer. That is, the employer does not have the right to demand from a person who is looking for a job, his IIN. However, in some cases it may be asked, and you can quickly obtain an identification number from the tax office at the place of registration.
Step 5
Men from 18 to 27 years old must submit military registration documents. If a conscript is employed, he must present a certificate of a citizen who is subject to conscription. If this is a citizen in reserve, he must provide a military ID.
Step 6
In the event that applying for a job requires special knowledge and training, you should have with you documents certifying education, qualifications and confirmation of special knowledge. If employment is not in the specialty, such documents are not required.
Step 7
And of course, it is imperative to issue a medical book, since in its absence, the employer who hires an employee in the service or trade sector has every right to refuse to get a job.