Working in a taxi attracts many drivers both as an opportunity for additional income and as the main source of income. However, it is not enough just to get behind the wheel and start delivering passengers.
To start working in a taxi, you need to collect the necessary documents, equip the car and be patient. Let's try to figure out, without which it is impossible to work in a taxi.

Many drivers, who are well-versed in the intersection of city streets, find the opportunity to work in a taxi rather attractive. It seems that there is nothing difficult to send several passengers home in the evening, and a small additional income is ready.
However, everything is not so simple, to start working in a taxi you need to collect a package of necessary documents, get additional insurance and a license to transport people. Of course, the size of the package of documents for working on a rented car or for small part-time jobs will be slightly different, but for the absence of any necessary paper, the traffic police can write out a rather impressive fine.
So, what documents should a person who plans to work in a taxi have and how difficult will it be to collect them?
Standard package

In order to be eligible to transport people, a driver must meet several criteria:
- Work experience of at least five years;
- No previous convictions (even conditional);
- There should be no recorded accidents due to the fault of the driver;
- Age is at least 25 years old.
A taxi worker must always have a driver's license, a technical coupon for a car and a diagnostic card (technical inspection) with him. And it should be remembered that for a taxi, the card is valid for only 6 months, then you need to drive the car for MOT again. It must be remembered that only a document issued by a certified technical service center will be valid.
From June 2018, automatic traffic cameras will monitor the presence of a diagnostic card (and an insurance policy). Of course, the fine is not very large - 800 rubles, but if "letters of happiness" are received constantly, no earnings will be enough. And the license can be revoked for non-conformity of the vehicle.
Obtaining a license

If the driver decides to get a job in a company that is officially engaged in the transportation of passengers and provides him with a car under a contract of employment, then the company takes over the procedure for obtaining a license. But if a private vehicle is used for work, then a license for the carriage of passengers will be required.
For this you will need:
Register with the local tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the right to carry passengers. It is much easier to issue the status of an individual entrepreneur, this does not require registration of the Charter of the enterprise and placing the amount of the authorized capital on the current account (at least 10,000 rubles).
To obtain the Certificate of Entrepreneur, you need to submit to the tax office an application of the established form, a photocopy of all pages of the passport with marks and a receipt for payment of the state duty. After 5 working days, you can receive a ready-made Certificate of opening an individual entrepreneur and submit documents for obtaining a license with it. By the way, after that you need to register the current account number in any convenient bank within three days, otherwise there will be a rather big fine.
In each region there are minor differences in the package of documents required to obtain a license, so it is better to first contact the regional Ministry of Transport and clarify everything with them. In any case, you will need:
- Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (or LLC) with the desired type of activity;
- Application of the established form for the issuance of a license;
- Copy of passport (all pages with marks);
- A copy of the vehicle registration certificate to be used for work;
- Vehicle maintenance certificate;
- Receipt of payment of the duty (amounts differ in each region).
The obtained license must be kept in the car along with the rest of the documents; it can be asked to be presented by both traffic policemen and meticulous passengers. This permit is valid for 5 years, then it must be renewed.
You should be aware that the Ministry may refuse to issue a license if they are not satisfied with the driver's experience or the condition of the car. Even the fact that the car was purchased on credit may become a reason for refusing to obtain a permit.
Features of the insurance policy

The cost of an OSAGO policy for a taxi will be much higher than for a car of the same brand owned by an ordinary citizen. Insurance workers calculated that taxis are operated much more often than ordinary cars, therefore depreciation will be higher and the risk of getting into an accident is significantly greater. At the same time, a taxi driver, as a responsible carrier, bears civil responsibility for the health and life of passengers, and this nuance is also taken into account when calculating the cost of insurance.
Insurance companies have the right to access databases of registered taxis. Therefore, it will not be easy for the driver to conceal the information that the car is being used to transport passengers. Even if it is possible to bypass the rules and pay as for a simple transport of an individual, in the event of an accident it will become clear that the car was used as a taxi, and the insurance payment may (and will be) refused. Then all financial responsibility for damage in an accident will fall on the taxi driver, and this is already more serious amounts than the timely conclusion of an insurance policy.

The controversy around the need for daily filling out the waybill with the marks of a medic and a mechanic has not subsided for a long time. However, according to the law and taking into account the numerous raids and checks of taxis on the roads, its presence is necessary. Even if the driver works as an individual entrepreneur in a private car, he must have a completed waybill, which must be presented at the first request of the traffic police inspector.
When filling out, you need to remember that the waybill is issued in one copy, so you will have to write it by hand, and all data must be clearly distinguishable. The form must contain:
- Date of issue, number of the waybill and the period for which it was issued (day);
- The name of the organization, its details, contact details and seal imprint;
- Vehicle make and registration data;
- The actual enterprise where the inspection was carried out and the waybill was issued;
- Driver's medical examination data;
- Data on the technical condition of the vehicle and equipment at the time of leaving the garage.
Car preparation
After successfully obtaining a license, the car must be prepared for the start of work. According to the law, the vehicle must have symbols that distinguish the taxi service, so you will have to install an identification lamp with an inscription on the roof and equip the cabin with a taximeter. If the requirements are not met and during the check it is found out, the driver will be fined or even deprived of his license.
A separate item is the requirement of the tax inspectorate to install an online cash register instead of the usual issuing of receipts for SRF.
A "driver's card" with a clear photo, full name, registration data of the car, license number and contact numbers of the regional Ministry of Transport must be placed in a prominent place in the car interior. Also, according to the new rules, a video recorder and a GPS navigator must be installed in the car.
In case an order is received from passengers with a child, a restraint device (seat or booster) of the appropriate age category must be installed in the taxi. Transporting babies without them is illegal and can be dangerous for a small passenger.
It is not enough to drive a car confidently and know the streets of the city well; to work successfully in a taxi, you need to be a friendly person with high stress resistance and a good sense of humor. Only then will this hard work be able to bring not only income, but also moral satisfaction.