In accordance with Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 2.08.95, "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens," citizens over 80 are entitled to additional benefits. To exercise your right to benefits and social services due, you must provide proof of this right.

Step 1
In the event that non-working, able-bodied and adult persons are caring for a person who has already turned 80 years old, they are entitled to a monthly compensation payment of 1,200 rubles. Compensation will be paid from the date of application and taking into account the regional coefficient. For its registration, the carer must apply to the territorial Administration of the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the ward. Documents required for the appointment of compensation, which must be provided by the person caring for the pensioner:
- an application for payment of compensation for the care of a citizen over 80 years old, indicating the date of filing;
- a statement of a pensioner confirming that he is being cared for by this citizen;
- a document proving the identity of the caregiver;
- work book of the carer, confirming that at the moment he is not working under an employment contract;
- a certificate from the Employment Center that the person does not have unemployment benefits;
- a certificate from the territorial Directorate of the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the citizen who is caring about the lack of a pension;
- a copy of the pensioner's passport.
If a pensioner is over 80 years old, there is no need to provide an opinion from a medical institution that he needs care. The degree and existence of the relationship between the pensioner and the caregiver is irrelevant.
Step 2
Citizens who have reached the age of 80 are also entitled to free social services - they are visited by social workers at least 2 times a week. To do this, the pensioner should write a corresponding application to the territorial Center for Social Services. It must be accompanied by a copy of the pages of the passport, where the surname and date of birth are indicated. After social workers conduct a survey of the material and living conditions of living and draw up an appropriate act, they will need to present an extract from the financial and personal account in the district engineering service and the conclusion of the medical institution to which the pensioner is attached that there are no medical contraindications for social services for home.
Step 3
In addition, a citizen who has reached the age of 80 has the right to receive a double fixed basic pension. To receive this allowance, you do not need to submit any documents to the Pension Fund - all the necessary information is there.