Many women cannot work, as there is no one to pick up the child from kindergarten, school or take them to additional circles. Few people know that according to the Labor Code, they have the right to adjust their work schedule.

At the request of the mother, the employer is obliged to establish a part-time or part-time working week (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, you must write a corresponding statement. The woman herself determines the mode of her employment. If she has children under 14 years old, then the employer cannot refuse this. The main thing is that the profession allows you to set a different schedule.
For example, an accountant can leave work an hour earlier, a cashier can work three times a week for 8 hours instead of 12, but an electric train driver will not be able to stop the train and go home when he needs to, although in this profession it is possible to initially correct the schedule by replacing one worker with another. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that almost any person with a child under 14 years old has the right to work in the mode of reduced working hours.
For example, you can work 5/2 from 8:00 to 16:00 or Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, there are a lot of options.
This right can be of great help to mothers who need to pick up their child from the kindergarten, but working until 18:00 on the other side of the city (or in another city), they simply do not have time to do this before the end of the work of the child care institution. By setting the working day to one hour shorter, this problem will be solved. By the way, many mothers (especially single ones) face such a problem as finding a job with a suitable schedule in order to have time to pick up their child from kindergarten or school.
Also, this will not hurt the mothers of first-graders, who are not yet able to get home on their own after school.
In the case of pregnancy, this work schedule can be set before maternity leave (sick leave).
Changes in the working hours are formalized by an additional agreement to the employment contract.
This information applies to both moms and dads, but at the same time it will not be possible to switch to part-time employment, only one parent can exercise this right.
Salaries will be paid in proportion to the hours worked. How many hours worked, so much will be paid. Do not expect to receive a full salary by working 3 hours.
This mode of work does not affect vacation and seniority in any way.
If a child is disabled, then this information is relevant not up to 14, but up to 18 years old.
Submit a written application to the employer with a request to establish part-time working hours for you (refer to Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, attach a child's birth certificate) and, in case of a negative decision, demand a written refusal. With this refusal, you have the right to apply to the court and the labor inspectorate. Instances will be on your side.