In job postings, you can often see that candidates are required to work on a rotational basis. As a rule, such types of work are paid relatively high, since they are associated with certain domestic difficulties and places of work are located in areas that are not very comfortable for a person to live.

Step 1
Work on a rotational basis is most often associated with hard-to-reach regions of the North, Siberia and the Far North, where oil and gas enterprises operate. Since these areas are poorly adapted for living and are characterized by a lack of infrastructure, the population density in them is low, so it is not possible to find the required number of workers. In addition, modern machines and equipment presuppose a sufficiently high professional qualification of personnel, which makes the task of recruiting on-site personnel impossible.
Step 2
The way out for employers is the organization of work on a rotational basis, when the necessary personnel are delivered to the place of work at the expense of the enterprise, are provided with temporary housing and food and work seven days a week, but in shifts. Employees actually live at their workplace or in the immediate vicinity of it. The term of an employment contract may be limited by the time period for a specific labor assignment, and the operating mode may be regulated by a separate document establishing the cycle of shifts and the time allotted for rest. With the rotational work method, the permanent place of residence of employees and the employer himself can be located at least on the other side of the country.
Step 3
Most often, the rotational method is used in the construction of remote unique facilities that do not involve the creation of a developed infrastructure next to them. This makes it possible to provide him with highly qualified personnel in the shortest possible time, which can be recruited in many cities of the country. Even with the costs associated with their delivery to the place of work and back, as well as the provision of temporary housing, such construction remains the most cost-effective, allowing to significantly reduce its time.
Step 4
Work on a rotational basis is quite in demand, since it allows a qualified specialist who finds it difficult to find adequate remuneration for his work in the place of residence to receive high wages. Yes, there are certain inconveniences with this method of earning money, but they are associated only with everyday life, and they are well compensated in monetary terms. In addition, work on a rotational basis is associated, as a rule, with new technologies and new, interesting tasks, it involves career growth, so now many young people are happy to start their labor activity with it.