In addition to the traditional full-time work schedule, the so-called rotational method is quite popular. Despite certain inconveniences and difficulties of this type of work organization, part of the work on a rotational basis is quite accessible to the fairer sex.

What is the rotational method
The rotational method is a specific form of work organization, which involves the placement of employees directly at the place of work for a sufficiently long period. According to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the maximum duration of a shift is limited to three months. There are long breaks between shifts, during which workers return home. For example, one of the most popular schedule options is 15 business days and 15 weekends.
From an employer's point of view, the advantages of a rotational method are the ability to speed up work and even set a 24-hour schedule. In addition, in many spheres of activity, the rotational method is the only possible one, since construction in hard-to-reach areas and mining in undeveloped regions of the country make it impossible to daily transport workers to their place of residence and back.
For workers, the rotational method is attractive for high wages (often with "northern" allowances), a large number of days off, housing and food provided by the employer. In most cases, the employer also bears the cost of travel to and from the work site.
Women have plenty to do
As a rule, specialists of "male" professions are invited to work on a rotational basis: geologists, concentrators, heavy equipment drivers, drillers, builders. It would seem that women have no place in the harsh conditions of the Far North or the wild taiga. However, do not forget that all these people need to be fed every day, cleaned living quarters, wash clothes and linen, provide medical care, conduct administrative work, bookkeeping, and paperwork.
As a rule, the work schedule for women on a rotational basis is softer: it involves a shorter working week, additional days off, and increased parental leave.
Such activities do not require special physical endurance or strength; women can also do it. If you are looking for a job on a rotational basis for the fair sex, pay attention to the vacancies of cooks, technical personnel, doctors, dispatchers, secretaries. Many of these vacancies are occupied by women working on a rotational basis no worse than men. Finally, the presence of women has a positive psychological effect on the entire team, not allowing to forget about good manners even in conditions of isolation from civilization.
The minimum requirements for a rotational camp are spelled out in the Labor Code. They include the availability of electricity, water, heat, communications. It is also necessary to organize rest, medical care, food.
However, in addition to the bright prospects, there are also negative aspects of working on a rotational basis. Difficult working conditions, a tight schedule, an aggressive climate and unfavorable conditions lead to the fact that not everyone decides to do such work. The need to part with loved ones for a long time also has an important effect, and constant travel further increases stress.