Until relatively recently, the roles in the family were clearly distributed: the husband was supposed to be the breadwinner and breadwinner, and the wife was supposed to run the household and raise the children. But times changed, and gradually more and more women began to work outside the home. However, many professions that were considered purely male (driver, soldier, law enforcement officer, firefighter, etc.) were still closed to them. What is the state of affairs in our time?

What male professions have women successfully mastered?
Some of the fairer sex have long and successfully worked as drivers, serve in the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, are specialists in the field of IT technologies, and I work as automation engineers. The phrase "woman politician" has long ceased to cause a condescending smile. Indeed, many women occupy high positions in a number of countries, up to the post of head of state.
There are female pilots and even female astronauts. Many women work on sea-going ships, occupying various positions, up to the captain's.
Therefore, the saying "A woman on a ship - unfortunately!" can be safely considered obsolete.
And, of course, there are many women - workers, of various specialties (painter-plasterer, for example). Traditionally, the weaker sex worked in light industry enterprises (weavers, knitters). But during the First, and especially the Second World War, when millions of men went to the front, women replaced them in literally all working positions. This situation continued in peacetime. Now the fairer sex can be found even at the wheel of a tractor, a tower crane.
Which male professions are still closed for women
Some ladies who share the ideas of feminism reject the very assumption that there are purely male professions. They see this as a manifestation of gender discrimination. However, no amount of gender equality can change the anatomical and physiological differences between men and women. There are professions that require great physical strength and endurance (loader, miner, steelmaker, driver of heavy haulers, etc.) There are professions that are not only associated with a strong risk, but also require the highest level of physical fitness, maximum composure and quick reaction (for example, a special forces soldier, a mountain rescuer). A woman is weaker and more emotional than a man. Therefore, she is very reluctant to accept such positions.
The legislation of many countries, including Russia, contains a list of professions in which a woman is prohibited.
Such restrictions are not humiliating for a woman, but only protect her from excessive physical and psychological overloads that are harmful to her body (including reproductive function).