10 Professions That Are Prohibited For Russian Women

10 Professions That Are Prohibited For Russian Women
10 Professions That Are Prohibited For Russian Women

In some professions you will not find women. As it turned out, the point is not that women do not want to work in some professions, but that it is forbidden to admit women to these professions at the legislative level.

10 professions that are prohibited for Russian women
10 professions that are prohibited for Russian women

Although Chapter 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says that the rights of men and women are equal, as well as opportunities for their implementation, on February 25, 2000, the government adopted a law restricting female labor in some professions. In total, the document contains 39 sections, one for each area of activity where female labor is restricted or prohibited. This list is regularly updated. The last amendments were made in March 2019. Some professions that are outdated will be excluded. Those where, at the moment, work is almost completely automated and does not require brute physical strength, will contain prescriptions.

At the moment, it is forbidden to hire women in 456 professions. The document itself is called "The List of Heavy Work and Work with Harmful or Dangerous Working Conditions, in the Performance of which the Employment of Women is Prohibited." And no matter how much feminists fight for equality, no employer will violate the law.

Let's take a look at 10 of the most talked about professions in which you don't meet women.

Bus driver

There are women bus drivers. But these passenger buses have no more than 14 seats. Carry out transportation of passengers around the city and suburbs. Buses with a female driver are not allowed on long-haul flights.



Women cannot work as divers due to increased stress. But, some employers hire women divers, referring to a clause in the law, which says that when creating safe working conditions, it is possible to hire women. For example, in the Stroginskaya Poima, there is the only woman in Moscow hired as a rescue diver at a search station.


Electric train driver

Women are not hired not only as train drivers, but also as assistants to the train driver. This profession was included in the list of prohibited ones, not so much because of severity, but because of vibration and electromagnetic radiation, which negatively affect reproductive function. However, modern trains meet all safety parameters. That is why, as an exception, women are hired as electric train drivers.


Also, women cannot go around the carriages to check, make up the trains.


The restriction applies to cattle and pigs. Women can also slaughter small cattle and poultry. In the villages, women are quite successful in slaughtering livestock. But the Ministry of Labor believes that a woman cannot lift more than 15 kilograms.

Also, women are willingly hired to work in meat-packing plants not as butchers, but for butchering carcasses.

Wood feller

It is forbidden to hire women to uproot stumps and fell trees. It is impossible to provide safe working conditions in these professions. These professions are purely male.

Excavator driver

Women can enter this profession if they work on a combined technique. For example, on a loader-excavator JCB, CAT. But the work will have to be performed in those areas in which it is not prohibited by law. For example, work in agricultural land or in the communal sector.

Luggage porter at the airport

This position is not subject to any amendments. If you see a woman carrying luggage or hand luggage at the airport, you should know that the laws are being violated here. This profession is closed to women.

A carpenter

In Russia, women are not hired as carpenters in construction and assembly organizations.


There are, of course, women sailors. All comers are admitted to the naval schools. But with further employment in the profession, problems will arise. Boatswain, skipper, mate and sailor are purely male professions. There are, of course, exceptions when women are hired in these specialties, but such cases can be counted on one hand.


Women are not prohibited from fishing. But catching fish with a seine from the shore on a manual pull is not a woman's business. The ban also applies to ice fishing on seine nets, fixed nets and ventures.

The list of professions prohibited for women was compiled by experts from various fields of production. It was finalized by scientists and doctors. Aimed at preserving the reproductive capacity of women. After all, the most important female task is to be a mother.
