Currently, the most popular, as well as lucrative, offense for the unclean servants of the law is crossing a double line. When you are “caught” of an offense, act confidently, decisively and take your time. Let's look at the scheme of correct behavior during an unwanted meeting with a traffic police inspector, which will allow you to avoid undeserved punishment.

Step 1
Carry a voice recorder with you. Turn it on when the inspector approaches, and as soon as he introduces himself, say the following into the recorder: "To prevent the traffic police officer from exceeding his official authority, the conversation is recorded on tape." The inspector's attitude towards you will instantly change. If you do not want to constantly carry a dictaphone, it will be enough to have a phone with the corresponding function.
Step 2
If the inspector asks you to turn off the recorder, remember that there are no regulatory documents prohibiting such conversations. And the recording of the conversation will significantly strengthen your position in case the trial cannot be avoided. The inspector knows this, so he will try to let you go.
Step 3
If it comes to drawing up a protocol, don't fuss. Just let the inspector complete all the paperwork. In most cases, careless inspectors make at least one mistake, even if it is insignificant at first glance. Meanwhile, this mistake can play an important role in your story.
Step 4
After drawing up the protocol, you will be asked to write down your own vision of the incident. In this case, the inspector will certainly advise you to get by with a banal formal reply like: "I was in a hurry, I had to …" or "I was late for a meeting." And you write this: “I do not agree with the arguments of the inspector. There was no evidence of a violation.”
Step 5
Inspectors often refuse to record the driver's relatives as witnesses. Their main argument is Article 25.6 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. However, if we take into account the above document, it turns out that the witness is a person who knows all the circumstances of the incident. This means that you can safely declare that your relatives are full-fledged witnesses.
Step 6
If the inspector flatly refuses to record your relatives as witnesses, add to the explanation of what happened: “The traffic police officer exceeded his authority by refusing to record the witnesses present (names of witnesses and their coordinates)”.
Step 7
Take photographs of the area after the protocol is drawn up. For what purpose? To stock up on the necessary proof of your innocence. If you, for example, film the position of a patrol car, you can try to prove the fact that the law enforcement officer did not observe the violation at all.
Step 8
So, if the case has come to court, choose a private lawyer or company for yourself on the Internet. That being said, try to look for lawyers dedicated exclusively to driver protection. Hiring a professional lawyer will cost you a pretty penny, but his rich litigation practice will allow a specialist to quickly and accurately prepare all the necessary documents, as well as squeeze the maximum out of your case.