Rotation of personnel at the enterprise, attraction of new employees is a natural process. Therefore, in any, even a long-established team, a new employee can always appear. In this case, the question of how to introduce it to new colleagues arises before the head or employee of the personnel department.

Step 1
If you have participated in the interview with a new employee and in deciding the question of hiring him, then you should know the basic information about him. If not, then first read his questionnaire in the personnel department. To present you need information about the name, patronymic and surname, education and basic data about the experience of his work - the enterprise where he worked and the positions that he held. If this person had scientific works and publications, then during the presentation it is possible to mention this as well.
Step 2
When introducing, you should not provide any information about the personal life of a new employee. If he deems it appropriate, he will tell about it himself. Limit yourself to personal data.
Step 3
In the event that this is a young employee starting his career as an ordinary performer, then he must be introduced to the work collective in which he will work, introduce him to his immediate boss and show him his workplace. You can talk about the main functions that this department performs, and introduce him to those with whom he will be in direct contact in related departments. Familiarize him with those nuances that are not reflected in the house rules.
Step 4
When you introduce a leader, there is no point in naming all of his future subordinates, anyway he will not be able to remember them. List by name the key figures he should refer to first. Introduce team or direction leaders.
Step 5
Try to ensure that the procedure is not dry, formal, because both the new employee and the team will still experience slight tension and embarrassment. A joke is exactly what is needed in this situation, so that a person from the first minutes of his stay in a new team feels a benevolent attitude and disposition of his colleagues.