Finally, you have passed all the stages of the interviews, and you get the coveted position. Everyone feels the excitement before starting a new job, because the future fate and career largely depend on the first impression of you from the employees and the boss. How do you introduce yourself to your colleagues?

Step 1
Before joining a new team, it will not be superfluous to find out and study the rules of work in the company at the stages of the interview. Some firms have specially designed adaptation materials for new employees for such purposes. This will help you quickly get used to a new place and avoid conflicts and fines.
Step 2
If you got a leadership position, ask a HR officer or a higher-level manager to talk about the psychological climate in the team. It often happens that the adaptation of a new chef is accompanied by a number of difficulties, especially if he is part of a pre-formed team. The new boss may have to overcome resistance and negative attitudes from subordinates, especially if the previous boss had the necessary weight and authority at work.
Step 3
In the first minutes of acquaintance with colleagues “do not splurge”, do not try to ingratiate yourself and you will like it very much. Just be nice.
Step 4
According to the rules, the leader must introduce you to the team. You don't need to say a lot: say hello, express the joy of meeting you and your willingness to cooperate.
Step 5
At first, carefully observe your colleagues, delve into the style of relationships between them. Be humble. You shouldn't set your own rules right away. You still have time to prove yourself.
Step 6
Do not hesitate to ask your colleagues business and business questions, to find out the points that you do not understand. It's no secret that at first you don't know where and what is and who you need to contact. Colleagues will be pleased to feel their importance and be experts in these matters.
Step 7
The best way for a leader when working with a difficult team is an individual approach to each. Conduct conversations with employees, find out the needs. Try to form an unspoken alliance with subordinates who are the authority in the group.
Step 8
In conversations in the early days, try to keep some distance. Be friendly, but don't talk too much about yourself. Of course, employees will take an interest in you, because they care who works with them. Try to avoid topics such as conflicts and failures in the previous company, alcohol, intimate matters. Otherwise, you can create the wrong impression of yourself and harm your workflow.