How To Understand What The Boss Needs

How To Understand What The Boss Needs
How To Understand What The Boss Needs

The relationship with the boss is one of the main problems for those who work in the office or in production. Even an interesting job and a decent salary cease to please if you come to the conclusion that your boss is a foolish incompetent tyrant who constantly finds fault with you.

How to understand what the boss needs
How to understand what the boss needs

Perhaps you are really out of luck, and your boss is just that. But maybe you just could not find a common language with him? After all, you are primarily interested in relationships with your superiors. It is you who are in a dependent position, and if something happens, you will have to look for a new job.

Try to answer a few questions:

- what requirements the boss makes to employees and what qualities he values;

- Do I meet these requirements, and do I have these qualities;

- whether I have committed any actions that compromise me in the eyes of the boss;

- what can I do to correct the impression of me.

Take a closer look at the boss and try to determine how he relates to the production process. If he prefers to control all stages of activity and thoroughly delves into all the little things, it may be worthwhile to contact him more often with interim reports and consult on all issues. If the boss prefers independent employees and only requires the final result, bother him only as a last resort, so as not to irritate him.

Any boss expects good work and discipline from subordinates. If your boss catches you playing solitaire several times during working hours, do not be surprised that his opinion of you has changed for the worse. Only by demonstrating labor enthusiasm can you correct the impression of yourself. For example, come up with some ideas to optimize your workflow. Think about what the boss might not like about them, and prepare a reasoned objection. If your ideas are not accepted, don't be upset - at least your boss appreciated your dedication to the job.

Perhaps your boss is really incompetent - then he needs tactful help. If he is a decent person, he will be grateful for your assistance, even if he appropriated the results of your work. If there is no gratitude, think about how to build a relationship with the boss in the future - perhaps with the next good idea it is better to contact higher authorities immediately.

Convinced fiends and sadists among bosses are the exception rather than the rule. If it seems to you that the boss is deliberately offending the entire team, think that pressure is also being exerted on your boss. Perhaps there are some circumstances that you do not know about, but the boss is well aware of them and therefore is not free in his actions.
