To be considered a good employee, it is not enough to conscientiously perform their duties and even do more than it is written in the job description. You must comply with your corporate culture, including the prescribed dress code. In most companies, it is the same. It is more difficult for women to adhere to it than for men who can wear a suit in winter and summer, but rules are rules.

Office dress code in winter
Even in winter, women do not have to complain about the scarcity of the wardrobe allowed in the office. In addition to the traditional classic three-piece suits with a skirt or trousers, you can even wear dresses. But they should be of a strict cut, without puffy skirts, open shoulders, cutouts on the chest and back. It is also better to choose muted, noble colors, monochromatic colors. Your femininity will be emphasized by a light blouse, neckerchief or scarf. Do not wear boots in the office, keep nice shoes in it for replacement. But ankle boots or patent leather boots can be worn under trousers.
Don't wear a lot of jewelry to work: a pair of small earrings, a pendant on a thin chain, and a pair of modest rings are enough.
What shouldn't be in a summer office wardrobe
In the summer, when it's hot and sunny outside, you don't want to wear gray, strict clothes even at work. You can’t say about the fact that you cannot wear transparent lace tops, shorts and short skirts, but bright colorful open sundresses can still be found in offices and even government agencies when the temperature outside is approaching + 30 ° C. This, unfortunately, is also unacceptable.
Of course, no one requires you to wear a burqa, but in the summer the rules remain the same - as little open body as possible. Summer office blouses and dresses should all have a short sleeve, a V-neck is allowed in the front, but not on the back. Wear plain sheath dresses that accentuate your beautiful figure, formal office sundresses with blouses. The length of skirts and dresses - a couple of centimeters above the knee, no more.
Keep your hair tidy and, if you have a bushy mane or long hair, pull it up in a bun to avoid leaving it on your co-workers' clothes by accidentally shaking your head too vigorously.
Pay special attention to shoes in the summer. Open sandals with high heels or their opposite - flat shoes, similar to ballet pointe shoes, and even more so rubber slippers and slippers, are excluded. If you work in a reputable company, even in the summer you will have to wear tights, there is nothing you can do about it. In this case, they should be very thin - no more than 10 den, matte and have a flesh tint. Naturally, you will have to choose shoes for tights, not sandals. Even if the dress code in your company is not so strict and you can not wear tights, try to cover your legs with a long skirt. Let you be comforted by the example of men who work in your company and who, even in the heat, are forced to wear suits with jackets.