How To Cancel A Director's Order

How To Cancel A Director's Order
How To Cancel A Director's Order

Table of contents:


At the enterprises, the director issues orders. If certain circumstances arise that do not depend on the will of the employer, the order can be canceled. For this, another administrative document is drawn up, which, by its content, recognizes as invalid or invalidated the previously issued order of the head.

How to cancel a director's order
How to cancel a director's order

It is necessary

  • - order (on admission, dismissal, transfer, relocation, business trip, etc.), which should be invalidated;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - order form for personnel;
  • - employee documents.


Step 1

Write, as in any other company's governing document, the full name of the organization as it appears in the articles of association or other constituent document. Indicate the ordinal number of the order, the date of its preparation. In the middle, write the name of the order using the included Caps Lock key.

Step 2

Enter the city where your business is located. Write the subject of the order. In this case, another previously issued order is canceled. Thus, the topic of this administrative document will be the invalidation of the order, indicate the number and date of the latter.

Step 3

Next, write down the reason why the previously issued order is invalidated. For example, an employee was hired in accordance with the administrative document on personnel. The specialist did not show up at his workplace and did not start performing his job function. Accordingly, his failure to appear will be the reason for the cancellation of the previously drawn up order.

Step 4

One of the points of the order to cancel another administrative document will be the recognition that the order of the head has become invalid. If the order for hiring is canceled, then the next item is to cancel the contract with the employee. Assign responsibility for the execution of the director's order to the personnel officer, who should issue the documentation to the specialist and exclude him from the personnel documents.

Step 5

The order on the cancellation of another administrative document is accompanied by evidence, which spells out the reasons for recognizing the director's order as invalid. Verify the order with the signature of the head (indicating the position held, personal data). Familiarize the employee with the document against receipt, who is responsible for the execution of the items of the order.
