Often an employee, having taken a vacation, wants to leave it ahead of schedule. To do this, he needs to write a statement and obtain the consent of the manager. In some cases, the manager has the right to refuse early work. And for some categories of employees, current legislation prohibits interrupting vacation.

- - an application addressed to the head;
- - order of the head;
- - a certificate confirming the passing of exams (for study leave).
Step 1
It happens that an employee who has gone on vacation wants to interrupt it. The reasons for this may vary, but the management's actions depend on the type of vacation. Situations in the most popular leave options: maternity leave to take care of a child, leave for the period of study and passing the session, leave at your own expense.
Step 2
In the first case, the leave can be used by a woman at her own discretion, in part or in full. According to Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the law does not establish the procedure for interrupting parental leave or early withdrawal from it.
Step 3
Therefore, in order to eliminate unnecessary conflicts, it is better to agree in advance on the date of going to work. This must be done in writing by writing an appropriate application to your employer. On the application requesting an early exit to work, the head of the enterprise writes "I do not mind" and draws up your exit with an appropriate order.
Step 4
It is better to draw up the agreement reached in duplicate. If you want to work at home or part-time for the period of vacation, you again need to write an appropriate application addressed to the head of the institution where you work, and specify in detail the new working hours. Be sure to record all agreements in writing.
Step 5
For employees sent on vacation during the examination session, you need to take care of a confirmation certificate issued by the educational institution. On its basis, the personnel department prepares an order to terminate the study leave. If an employee simply wrote an application requesting to return to work ahead of schedule, without submitting a confirmation certificate from the university, this can be regarded as a violation of labor laws.
Step 6
If the employee wants to get out early from the usual vacation or vacation taken at his own expense, he again needs to obtain the consent of the head of the enterprise. But here the employer has the right to refuse your request. Then you will have no choice but to wait for the end of the vacation you have taken. Vacation cannot be interrupted even at the request of the worker, if we are talking about employees under 18 years of age and pregnant women working in hazardous work.