Finally, the long-awaited vacation has come. It was provided to you in accordance with the schedule and everything is already planned: tickets have been bought, a voucher to a sanatorium…. 3 hours by plane - and you are by the sea! But something unexpected happened and the vacation needs to be interrupted. Is it possible? If so, how to arrange an early exit from vacation?

Step 1
Any type of vacation can be terminated early. It is important to remember that this can only be done with the consent of the employee. Moreover, the consent must be made in writing.
Step 2
It is possible to terminate the annual paid leave ahead of schedule both at the initiative of the employee and the employer.
If for family reasons (the upcoming birth of a child, the wedding of your beloved son, and much more) you need to use part of the vacation later, you need to contact the head of the organization with an application for early leave from vacation. The application is written in any form. It is advisable to indicate the reason for the necessary transfer and the estimated date of use of the remaining vacation days. If the used part of the vacation is more than 14 calendar days, the employee has the right to add the unused days to the next regular vacation.
In the event that the duration of the vacation exceeds 28 calendar days, it is possible to pay monetary compensation for the days over. For example, if the vacation is 34 k.d. (there is additional leave for irregular working hours), then for 6 c.d. payment of compensation is possible.
The preferred option should be stated in the application.
Step 3
Early exit from the vacation is possible only after the application is signed by the head, and the personnel service prepares an order to withdraw from the next vacation. It must indicate the period for providing the remaining unused days or the payment of monetary compensation. The employee reads the order against signature and starts work.
Step 4
When the employer is the initiator of the withdrawal from the vacation, the employee's consent is also required, expressed in writing (application). An employee has the right to refuse early work. In this case, he cannot be brought to disciplinary responsibility.
Step 5
The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Clause 3, Article 125) contains a list of employees who cannot be recalled from vacation, even if they have their written consent to do so. Thus, leave cannot be interrupted for employees under the age of 18, for pregnant women working in industries associated with harmful or dangerous working conditions.