Each employer provides employees with a vacation, which is regulated by labor legislation. When a specialist needs to be recalled from a well-deserved rest, you need to obtain his written consent, then issue an order on personnel. The remaining days are carried over to another period.

It is necessary
- - employee documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - labor legislation;
- - vacation schedule;
- - form of a memo;
- - Forms by order of personnel.
Step 1
When a situation arises, which consists in the fact that an employee who is currently on vacation is needed at his workplace, you need to warn him that it is planned to recall him from the due vacation. This can be done via a phone call or email. Just first make sure that the specialist is in his place of residence, and not on vacation in another country. Otherwise, revocation is simply not possible.
Step 2
In case of agreement with the recall from vacation, the immediate superior (head of the department where the employee works) draws up a memo (service). The document is addressed to the director of the company. The note states the reason why it is necessary to call a specialist to work. When the employee agrees to be withdrawn from vacation, the director affixes a visa containing a receipt from the head of the company.
Step 3
Draw up an order. In the heading of the order, write the name of the enterprise, the city of its location. Date, number the order. In the substantive part, indicate the date from which the employee needs to start performing his duties. Certify the order with the signature of the sole executive body, that is, the director. Familiarize the employee recalled from vacation with the administrative document against receipt. Please note that the employee indicates something like this: "I agree with the recall from vacation for 5 days."
Step 4
Since it turns out that the specialist did not rest the prescribed vacation days, the rest can be postponed to another time. For this, a separate order is drawn up. The document indicates the time at which the transfer is carried out. Introduce the order to the employee, ask him to write that he agrees to postpone these vacation days to another time. Certify the order with the signature of the head of the company.
Step 5
Attach the above orders to the order granting leave. The amount of money accrued for the days that the employee did not walk away is returned by the specialist to the company's cashier. Make notes on your vacation schedule. For the days that the employee should actually be on vacation, but in fact performed his duties under the employment contract, put "I", which means a working day for a specialist.