Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time to wait for the birth of a small, but already very important person. Grandiose changes take place not only in a woman's body, but in her entire life. Naturally, in this regard, many questions arise regarding the further course of life, including the career of a pregnant woman. Most women in a position are seriously worried about how to communicate the news of their pregnancy to their superiors and the team.

Step 1
Consider the relationship you have with your boss. If the relationship is good, friendly, then you can talk about pregnancy early. Firstly, by doing this you will show your respect for your superiors and a serious attitude towards work, as you worry in advance that the company will have the opportunity to find a worthy replacement for you. In addition, in this case, one can hope for any indulgences or benefits. Secondly, if the relationship between you and your boss is good, it will be easier for you to talk about your situation. If the relationship did not work out, then the news of pregnancy should be postponed.
Step 2
Before telling your boss about your baby-to-be, observe how the director treats other pregnant women. The result of such observations will be the correct construction of their behavior later. If the head of the company has a positive attitude towards pregnancy, then you have nothing to be afraid of.
Step 3
Remember that the bosses must find out about your pregnancy before the rest of the team knows about it, otherwise it may be perceived by the boss as sheer disrespect.
Step 4
Rely on relationships in the team - after the conversation about pregnancy with the boss, most likely, the rest of the team will find out about it. If the team is supportive and benevolent to you, then you can not delay with the news about the unborn child, but if this is not so and you are afraid of gossip and unnecessary discussions behind your back, then in order not to worry about this once again, it may be worthwhile to postpone the news …
Step 5
When deciding when to talk about your pregnancy, also rely on your work schedule and level of harm. By law, you are required to be transferred to a harmless job with a convenient schedule for you.
Step 6
Before visiting your boss's office to talk about an "interesting situation," think over the order of the conversation very carefully. You can write down all the points on the sheet so as not to miss important points. Say that you are extremely serious about your job, are happy with the position, and would like to continue working before and after your baby is born. Point out that having a baby is a great incentive for you to come back later and work with renewed vigor. Specify the actual work schedule, the time when you will need to leave for a visit to the doctor, and so on.