You found out about your interesting situation and are insanely happy! One thing darkens your joy: how do you tell your employer about it? How to inform him about the proposed maternity leave so that you can continue to work in a relaxed atmosphere, without the hassle and imposition of financial penalties for the slightest offense?

Step 1
You should not rush to communicate this news to your employer, but you should not delay it either. After three months, you most likely will not be able to carry out the previous volume of work and show zealous enthusiasm for work, so this is the best time to talk with the director.
Step 2
Going to a conversation, you must be legally savvy, know the rights of ladies in an interesting position. You have the right to change working conditions, work shorter hours, work schedule changes and easier work. Having in your hands a pregnancy certificate obtained from a gynecologist, you can take a sick leave at any time according to the doctor's indications. Knowing the nature of your employer can help you anticipate their reaction. So be on the safe side: write a statement to the director with a message about your new position and outlining requirements that seem reasonable to you. The application must be registered as an incoming document or sent by mail with notification. A copy of the certificate from the consultation should be attached to the application.
Step 3
Emotionally tune in to the conversation by clearly defining the requirements that you will set out to the employer. You need to know what to agree to and what not. Try to establish an emotional barrier by hiding your worries and observe the conversation as if from the outside. Switch only to positive attitudes and to the state of happiness that your future motherhood gives you. Remember that your health and the health of your unborn baby is the most important thing for you now.
Step 4
If you are not sure that the conversation will follow the scenario you have defined, write the text of your speech in advance, rehearse it and memorize it. A male employer will better understand the facts, and a woman - your emotional state. Start your speech with a neutral phrase: "I want to inform you that I am in a position, and soon I have to go on maternity leave." Next, pronounce the theses of the prepared speech. Invite your employer to consider the information you have provided for half an hour. Then come for an answer, negotiate new working conditions and secure your agreement in writing, if necessary.