Many people are forced or voluntarily start working as a cashier in a large store. As in any profession, it has its own nuances, which few people know about, but which you will definitely have to face. Moreover, this is not taught in any courses or in universities.

Working with people is always hard. Especially when you have to serve disgruntled, tired people who came to you for shopping. Some come to the store not so much for goods, but in order to relieve work stress, having come into conflict. And when calculating clients, you need to be extremely careful so as not to make mistakes and not miscalculate either yourself or the client. Plus, it's an incredibly monotonous job. And you also need to get used to it. After all, there are few breaks, they last nothing at all, and all day you have to sit in one position, smiling at complete strangers.
Psychological problems in the work of a cashier
The main thing that every novice cashier faces is a huge psychological load. During customer service, restraint and courtesy should be exercised in all cases. You should always be in a good mood, be friendly. In parallel with this, be very careful. The cashier should always look neat and well-groomed. The cashier's hands are what the customer always pays attention to. After all, food passes through these hands both for themselves and for their children. Therefore, not only nails, but also hands should always look perfect. Agree, after a hard shift, it is quite difficult to take care of your hands every time. And at home, after a whole day of continuous communication, you just want silence and relaxation. But everyone today has family and friends. Even with non-daily employment, the load will be very high. So you should think about whether you are ready for this.
Physical problems in the work of the cashier
You will have to spend the whole day in a sitting position with a few short breaks. In the process of work, you will be able to do invisible gymnastics, provided that it does not greatly distract you from work. And do not forget that people who are completely outsiders for you can become witnesses of it. The constant noise of the cash register can cause headaches. And the rumble of a crowded hall and the aggressive behavior of some buyers brings the body into a stressful state. So be sure to evaluate all the pros and cons of this profession, evaluate your capabilities critically, choosing a cashier job for yourself. It's worth starting with small stores. If on the first day you have to serve 500-600 people, most likely, on the second day you simply will not go to the workplace. The work of a cashier is very difficult and responsible, not only financially, but also morally.