Sooner or later, each of us has to change our place of work. Sometimes this happens naturally and without problems, as a result of your professional growth, sometimes the dismissal is the result of a work conflict, and sometimes it happens on the initiative of the administration of the enterprise. In any case, the best solution is to dismiss of your own free will. And here the question arises of how to inform the director of his decision in such a way as to protect his own interests, preserve his reputation and not provoke a conflict with the management.

Step 1
First of all, you need to prepare and think over a strategy of behavior. It is important to remember here that even if you were categorically unhappy with anything in this workplace, your outrage and an attempt to finally express your attitude to the situation to the management, you will only ruin your own job prospects and make enemies in the industry where you work. Therefore, take into account all the nuances, think over the sequence of moves. Is there a general need for oral communication with a leader? In some cases, it is enough just to send the letter of resignation through the secretary, this will be considered a message to the management.
Step 2
Write a letter of resignation that will allow you to leave on the most favorable terms for you. This may include a request for exemption from the prescribed service or a "leave followed by dismissal" scheme. You can transfer the prepared statement to the director, having previously registered it as an incoming document with the secretary. Thus, without contacting in person, you can be sure that your application will be considered and a decision on it will be made in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
In the event that you cannot avoid talking with your boss, you should proceed from the current situation and specific relationship with the boss.
If you have an excellent working relationship, but you are uncomfortable "letting down" the director with your dismissal, find convincing reasons for your dismissal (for example, a possible mutually beneficial continuation of cooperation after the dismissal) and ask him to write a letter of recommendation or a positive testimonial for a future employer.
And even if you consider your director a boor and tyrant, you will have to try to report your dismissal in the most conflict-free form. Leave your pride behind and prepare arguments for your voluntary dismissal without resentment or demanding. In the end, remember that burning bridges is simply not profitable for you. The future employer may well turn to your current director for a description. Plus, you haven't quit yet, and your boss might want to ruin your future career. And he has every opportunity, if not for this, then at least for delaying the dismissal in order to ruffle your nerves.
Step 4
Having prepared in this way and having thought out the strategy for your dismissal, you can safely take the application in hand and go to the director. It is best to ask him to sign your application immediately after speaking in front of you. So you can immediately transfer it to the appropriate services to speed up the processing of all formalities with dismissal.