In Russian legislation, there is still no clearly formulated definition of such a concept as “public sector employee”. But in many legal acts regulating the conditions of remuneration, this concept is present. Therefore, for one and the criteria by which the employee can be attributed to the budgetary sphere, the conditions of their financing can be accepted.

Who pays the salary
In most of the regulations governing the issues of pay for employees of the budgetary sphere, a special line specifies what this document means by the concept of "budgetary organization". As a rule, these are those organizations, the functions and powers of the founder of which are performed by executive bodies of different levels - state, regional and municipal.
Currently, the determining criterion is the source of funding for salary payments from funds allocated by the budgets of these three levels. It turns out that employees of the public sector include everyone who receives a salary from the budget, whose work is paid in accordance with the Unified Tariff Schedule (ETS), and those who receive payment directly from a particular budget. These payments are, of course, included in the item “Expenditures” of these budgets.
Some legislative acts contain definitions according to which those individuals who are in labor relations with budgetary organizations and receive salaries taking into account salaries established on the basis of the ETS are recognized as employees of the budgetary sphere.
Who is the state employee
In 2012, the number of employees of budgetary organizations in the Russian Federation exceeded 14 million people. Of these, about 3, 7 million worked in federal government agencies, 4 million - in government agencies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 7 million - in municipal institutions.
In addition to employees of federal government agencies, such as the tax inspection, the treasury, the customs service, etc., public sector employees include employees in education and health care, social services, culture or science.
This category also includes civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive bodies, in which military service is provided for by law, as well as civilian personnel of some federal executive bodies associated with activities in the field of defense, law enforcement and state security.
For those who can consider themselves an employee of the public sector, the state provides funds in the budget for targeted programs, including subsidies for the purchase of housing. The state treasury also provides funds for various social benefits for public sector employees.