How To Write Registration

How To Write Registration
How To Write Registration

Table of contents:


Through registration, the state can control population migration. At the same time, a distinction is made between temporary (with a certain date of registration of a person) and permanent registration. Failure to comply with the established registration regime is subject to the imposition of fines.

How to write registration
How to write registration


  • - computer;
  • - Printer.


Step 1

The registration certificate is issued at the passport office. This applies to both temporary registration and permanent registration. In this case, permanent registration is issued in the form of a seal. This seal contains standard information (city and name of the lines) and empty columns that are filled in by an authorized person at the passport office (location of registration, date, signature).

Step 2

Draw up a document form if you are the authorized person to create a temporary registration certificate. In the upper right corner, as a rule, it is written: "Appendix 3 to the instructions, form No. 3". Further, a little lower, write in the middle of the document: "Certificate No." Indicate the document number next to it.

Step 3

Type under the above title, in smaller font: “on registration at the place of stay”. Then write "Issued" from the red line. In this line, you will need to enter by hand the full name, place and date of birth of the person who will need to issue such a certificate. Next, write on a new line "that it is registered since", and next to it, indicate from what and to what date the certificate of registration will be valid.

Step 4

Please note the address where the recipient of this document will live. To do this, write "by address", then put a colon and indicate the address (city, street, house and apartment number). Moreover, if a citizen (recipient of temporary registration) has children and they live with him, then this must also be noted in this certificate.

Step 5

Indicate on the basis of which document the registration certificate will be issued (for example, on the basis of a passport). Next, write down all the important data of the passport (series, number, date of issue and by which authorities it was issued).

Step 6

Write down which authorities this document is issued by (full name of your company). Put your stamp and signature. Indicate your name and work phone number next to it.
