The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation has established the procedure for registering citizens at the place of residence. In order for you to be registered, in addition to an identity document and a document-basis for moving into a dwelling, you need to write and submit an application for registration, which is filled in according to a unified form.

Step 1
The official name of the document is an application for registration at the place of residence in form No. 6. Obtain this form from the passport office at your place of registration or download it online. The procedure for filling out an application for registration in form No. 6 is established by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. It is submitted to the passport office in the original form. The provision of a copy, even certified by a notary, is not provided for by any laws, rules and regulations.
Step 2
Take your form and start filling it out. To do this, use a black or blue ink pen. All fields for filling have their own details, which must be specified in each of them. Read carefully what should be indicated in the content of each field. Take your time, fill out the application clearly and accurately.
Step 3
Indicate to which registration authority your application is sent. Specify its correct name by contacting it by phone or by looking at the organization's website on the Internet. Then write from whom the application is from, indicate your last name, initials and the address from where you came to this locality or the old address at which you lived earlier in the same locality.
Step 4
In the appropriate line, indicate the degree of relationship, last name, first name and patronymic of the person who provides you with living space for living and the name of the document that served as the basis for moving in.
Step 5
Fill in the address of the dwelling where you intend to move in, and indicate your passport details or details of another document with which you prove your identity. Put your surname, initials, sign in the designated place. Indicate the date of writing the application.
Step 6
Please note that one of the required fields is the signature of the person providing the accommodation, which is affixed under your application. A separate place is also provided for it. The signature confirms his will, so be sure to assure it by the official responsible for registration. This signature must be affixed personally by the person providing the living space in the presence of the said official.